Important Resources and Recommended Reading for Workplace Stress and Stress Management

Important Resources for Workplace Stress and Stress Management

Workplace stress is a hugely important issue for both employers and employees. As a multifaceted subject, and one which has the potential to negatively impact both earnings and quality of life, workplace stress needs to be treated seriously both in the preventative and management stages. To help you do just that we've tried to give you a good overview of what causes workplace stress, what can be done to lessen its impact, and how to remove it altogether.

But the subject is much bigger than we can cover here, and so many others have spent thousands of hours researching and compiling data, statistics and finding solutions that it would be remiss not to point you in the direction of the excellent resources they have made available.

If you know of an important stress related resource that we have not listed please do let us know.

Health and Safety Executive's annual report on the Stress and Psychological Disorders in Great Britain - important reading for employers who want to decrease workplace stress triggers and thereby the lost revenue and drop in productivity it causes.

NHS Health and Wellbeing at Work in the UK covers a huge range of issues including workplace stress and claims that "stress at work can affect the mental health of workers through depression, but it can also affect their physical health because it may for instance reduce their vigilance and lead to injuries."

International Stress Management Association is a professional association for UK stress management practitioners and a registered charity. The website's About Stress section provides some interesting facts as well as tips on identifying and managing stress.

UK National Work-stress Network provides news and updates on the latest research, conferences and campaigns related to workplace stress in the UK as well as providing links to anti-stress advances worldwide.

Counselling and Advice in Your Area - if you are stressed and need help then there are many sympathetic, professional counsellors who can help you not only get through this tough period but also advise you on how to recognize the stress triggers and manage it effectively.